Quote Originally Posted by -jeff View Post
Great, let us know how your timelapse project turns out.
Just an update:

Decided to try a branch cable using this multiport connector:
according to this pinout:

... with no success. The remote control works fine, but the camera denied to take charge in (5V connected to A1/VBUS and A5/ground), though the same charger worked fine when connected directly to Multiport. When connecting power when using remote control, the camera decided to go off prompting "USB MODE". Apparently it does not like to use the both ports simultaneously?
Probably would work, if configured proper way. Probably e.g. a suitable resistor connected to proper pins?

When I had already ordered the components, I found a ready made cable:

However I am not going to try it, instead taking that proven option by Jeff, install a NP-BX1 dummy battery adapter. There is just a drawback that I can not use my favorite tripod, because the cable. I just have to improvise a kind of adapter for the tripod in order to get its footprint against camera smaller.

If somebody has experiences from that mobilexcopter cable, or otherwise got the branch cable working, would be nice to hear.

