View Full Version : Barn owl and common kestrel nestbox camera

08-02-2018, 08:30 AM

I just start this thread to know if someone is interested by my home made system for ip camera on barn owl and kestrel nestboxes ?

I have, in barn owl nest, d-link DCS-935L and DCS-960L cameras.
In kestrel nestbox I have a chinese camera

Both system are connected to Raspberry pi as a ftp server, now with access to internet (before was in closed network with wireless network access to download pictures and movies)

08-02-2018, 09:13 AM
This sounds like an interesting system. Please share the details.

08-03-2018, 03:44 PM
I'm interested too :-)

08-09-2022, 05:50 AM
Now I installed it since something like 8 years.

I have chance to have electricity

For barn owl :
4 cameras :
- 2x DCS-935L
- 1x DCS-2330L
- 1x DCS-960L

1 Rpi 3 as a FTP server
1 wifi expander to connect barn camera to home wifi

For Common kestrel (fixed in 2016 or something like this):
- 1 Raspberry pi with wifi connected to farm wifi as a FTP server
- 1 chinese Camera (who have a problem since this year) with Ethernet connection directly to the Rpi
- 1 power supply 5V/3-5A for Rpi
- 1 power supply 12V/2-3A for passive POE for camera